
One of our homeschool challenges has been writing. Not only the task of penmanship or improved cursive, but basic composition. We’ve worked on rhetoric by learning to outline, summarize, capture the thought while practicing grammar rules and correct spelling. We’ve incorporated “diary” style writing as a daily assignment.

Both kids have their own personal journal and they write whatever they want. In turn, either their dad or I read it and write a note back to them. We’ve found it is an additional way to communicate and we can fit in a lot of subtle lessons. For them AND us!

Spelling and good grammar are a part of daily life, so we don’t ignore it for any of our activities. I’ve recently had to stop my kids from “texting”.  It’s hard enough to learn the English language and there, their and they’re – much less confusing it with cell phone shorthand.    This “mean old mom” actually has them pick up the phone to call and  sit down to write a letter or thank you note.

2 responses to “Writing

  1. Hey Meanie… It sounds like you are a very Godly woman and involved parent. Keep up the good work…… Text me sometime 🙂

  2. Angela, MotherCrone

    I love the idea of journaling together…I used to do this when I worked evenings, leaving a note for them before I left and found ones for me waiting when I returned past their bedtimes.
    Great ideas!

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